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Stabilization: Welcome


This pavement rehabilitation method consists of pulverizing and grinding together the distressed layer of existing asphalt pavement along with a portion of the underlying base, then grading and compacting that mixture to create a revitalized aggregate base.

Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR)

FDR is an in-place recycling method that uses the existing pavement in addition to a chemical stabilizer to create a stronger base for the new pavement to be installed. FDR treats all types of failures to the highest severity. It eliminates ruts, rough areas, potholes, cracking, and restores the grade contours to create better surface drainage.

Soil Stabilization

Soil Stabilization is where soils are chemically altered to enhance their physical properties. Soil Stabilization is performed similar to FDR, where the soil is first pulverized, then an additive is added to the pulverized soil. The additive is then re-mixed with the soil until the desired properties are achieved. The new base is then shaped by a grader and compacted.

Chemically Drying Soil

Chemically drying soil is similar to FDR and Soil Stabilization, except the purpose is to dry instead of strengthening.

Stabilization: List

New Carlisle Project

This project had us milling off a portion of the asphalt then we used the soil stabilizer to pulverize. Finally, we grade and compact the surface to install a new pavement surface. We love taking severely damaged roads and rehabilitating them.

Severely damaged road
Milling machine making a pass
soil stabilizer grinding the dirt and asphalt
grader smoothing the asphalt and dirt so it is level
grader smoothing the asphalt and dirt so it can be compacted
roller compacting the road
roller compacting the asphalt grindings and dirt
Milling machine and a soil stabilizer
finished product, a tightly compacted surface ready for asphalt
Stabilization: Portfolio
Soil stabilizer chemically drying soil

Why choose stabilization?

Stronger Surface

Fixes Issues Before They Become a Problem

Stable Foundation

Gets Rid of the Water Problem

Stabilization: Features
Water truck attached to a soil stabilizer

Request a Stabilization Quote

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3790 Crabill Road, Springfield, Ohio 45502


(937) 323-3040


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